SAIMOS Control Center 5
SAIMOS® Control Center single-server perpetual license. Max. 5 LiDAR devices per server.
SAIMOS Control Center 5
SAIMOS® Control Center 5 single server license update plan for 12-months per server. Max. 5 LiDAR devices per server. Update plan for 12-months per server.
SAIMOS Control Center 5 subscription
SAIMOS® Control Center 5 subscription plan for 12 month per server. Max. 5 LiDAR devices per server.
SAIMOS Control Center subscription
SAIMOS® Control Center subscription plan for 12 month per server. Unlimited devices.
SAIMOS Face Analytics Pro subscription
SAIMOS® Face Analytics Pro subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Face Analytics Retail subscription
SAIMOS® Face Analytics Retail subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS LPR subscription
SAIMOS® LPR subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Scrambler subscription
SAIMOS® Scrambler subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Software development services per day.
Travel days are also subject to this rate. Travel and accommodation is not included.